Feature configuration
Earlier, Security Administrators were unable to view the enterprise-wide Seclore feature configuration. However, Seclore wants to empower you with information and visibility.
Now, with the Global Security Administrator role, you have access to view all the feature configurations. Having visibility of the configurations lets you assess what’s needed and what isn’t. To update any configuration, you can contact your system administrator.
To view feature configurations, click Configuration > Feature Configuration.
Let’s go through the configurations:
Default protection options
- Classification (Outlook M365 Web/Mac): Choose whether to allow users to classify emails sent through Outlook on the web.
- Default Permissions: Choose the default permissions chosen for all protected files.
Request Access
- Request Access Feature
: Choose whether to allow unauthorized users to request access to a protected file when attempting to open it
- Allow sharers to approve requests
: Choose whether Sharers (users with Share permission) should receive access request emails to files, apart from the File Owner.
Email Protector
- Outlook Email Protection : Enable email protection for Microsoft Outlook.
- Smart Sharing feature in Outlook
: Choose whether to enable or disable the Smart Sharing feature in Outlook
- Protect Body
: Enable this to allow email body to be protected automatically.
Outlook on the web
- Protecting emails in Outlook on the web
: Enable this to protect emails using Outlook on the web.
- Attachment size limit
: Enter the maximum size supported for protection for protected emails in Outlook on the web. Larger sizes require a higher hardware configuration and network latency.
- Attachment HTML wrapping size limit
: Enter the maximum size supported for HTML wrapping for protected emails sent using Outlook on the web.
Secure Email
- '
View Email' URL: Choose whether the URL should be linked to App Link Service or Policy Server.
- Link Expiry Duration: Enter the duration (in days) after which the 'View Email' link will expire. (The default link expiry duration is 30 days.)
Seclore Email Template Configuration
Footnote: Enter custom footnote for the email template.
Footer Link - Privacy Policy: Choose whether to enable or disable the link to Seclore's privacy policy in the email template.
Footer Link - Trouble viewing the email?
: Choose whether the 'Trouble viewing this email?' link in the email template should redirect to Adoption Portal or Policy Server Online Help.
Footer Link - Custom URL: Add a custom URL to the email template.
HTML Wrapping
- HTML wrapping protected files:
Choose whether to "wrap" protected attachments in Seclore's special HTML format.
- Size limit for protected file upload
: Enter the maximum size limit supported for uploading a protected file to the Policy Server.
- Size limit for HTML wrapped file upload
: Enter the maximum size limit supported for uploading an HTML-wrapped file to the Policy Server.
Universal Protection:
Enable this to allow protection of less common formats (also known as universal formats), such as wmv, mp4, mp3, dwg, etc.
Watermark Configuration
- Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, Line 4, Line 5
: Enter the watermark configuration for each line to be displayed when a protected file is open. The watermark can also contain dynamic text. The following parameters are available and will be replaced with actual values in real time when the file is opened:
- $USERNAME$: Username of the user opening the protected file
- $USERMAIL$: Email ID of the user opening the protected file
- $VIEWTIME$: Date and time when the file was opened
- $FILEID$: File ID of the protected file
- $FILECLASS$: File Classification of the protected file
- $LICENSECLIENT$: Organization name configured in the Policy Server
- Font Name:
Choose the font for displaying text in the watermark. Four fonts are available: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, and Times New Roman.
- Font color and style, Bold, Italic
: Enter the hash color code of the desired font color and enable bold or italic styles, if required.
Unsuccessful Login Attempts
- If user login is unsuccessful more than : Set the number of unsuccessful login attempts before locking the account for a limited period.
- Within a span of : Enter the time duration within which the number of attempts entered above have to be made.
- Block user for : Enter the time duration for which the user should be blocked.
Two-factor authentication
Issuer Name: Enter the issuer name for two-factor authentication.
Current Seclore Policy Server Time (in GMT): This field shows the current time in Seclore Policy Server.
Time lag with GMT: Enter the difference between GMT and the current Seclore Policy Server time (displayed above). Examples: If GMT is ahead of current Seclore Policy Server time by 7 seconds, enter value as '7'. If GMT is behind current Seclore Policy Server time by 16 seconds, enter value as '-16'.
Seclore Online
Show download agent link: Enable it to show the link to download agent in the Online Viewer and Online Editor screens.
Show permissions badge
: Choose whether to display the Seclore Permission Badge in the Seclore Online Editor
Automatic login in browser when logged in to agent:
Choose whether the user will be logged into the browser automatically if they are already logged in to the desktop agent.
Restrict user to protect with pre-defined policy only:
Enable to restrict users to protect files with a pre-defined policy only. Enabling this will disable some Seclore features such as File-level permissions, Outlook Email Protection, Smart Sharing etc.
Offline mode maximum duration:
Enter the maximum duration for which a file can be accessed offline.
Size limit for any file upload:
Enter the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded to the Policy Server.
File encryption key configuration:
Enter the file encryption key size.
Logging file Close activities:
Choose whether Close activity of a file should be logged.
Activity data availability: Choose for how long the activity data should be available.