Protecting emails

You can protect your email body and attachments directly from within Outlook and Outlook on the web. 


When a Seclore agent is installed, a new Email Protector section will be added to the Outlook ribbon. Click Seclore It to view protection options. 

Click the desired permission(s) to assign to all email recipients: ReadEditPrintFull Control, or Share. Select Protect Body to protect the email body. 

Note that if you reply to a protected email and save it in the drafts folder, then you need to click Seclore It! again for the reply to go protected. 

Outlook search is not supported for emails with protected email bodies. 

Outlook on the web 

Click the  button at the bottom of the compose window and click Seclore it!

Drag-and-drop attachments to the add-in section (to the right), and click Seclore and Send. Attachments dragged to the main Outlook window will not be protected. You may be asked to log in. 


Note that, unlike Outlook, the email body cannot be protected in Outlook for the web. 

Files uploaded directly to the Outlook compose section – and not to the Seclore plugin - will be sent without protection. Only files uploaded to the Seclore plugin pane to the right will be protected.

Sending the email from the Send button of the Outlook compose window will send only those attachments that have been explicitly dragged/uploaded to the Outlook compose window. Files uploaded to the Seclore add-in section will not be sent. 

If you do not see the Seclore it! option, contact your administrator. 

What each permission means

The table below explains the permissions available in the Seclore Email Protector:



Permitted Recipient Actions




View, Lite Viewer, Copy Data, Offline

Open and read the file on any computer, mobile device, or web browser


View, Lite Viewer, Copy Data, Offline, Edit

Edit the file and save it


View, Lite Viewer, Copy Data, Offline, Print

Print the file 

(Print to PDF is not allowed)

Full Control

View, Lite Viewer, Copy Data, Offline, Edit, Print, Unprotect

Open, edit, print, and unprotect the file


Share (Redistribute)

Share the protected email and/or attachments with other users by forwarding them the same email.

If you send an email to a new user, he/she will be registered automatically. Registration is required to open protected files. 

New user registration

Opening HTML attachments

All protected attachments are "wrapped" in HTML format. The html extension is appended to such attachments i.e. Proposal.docx will become Proposal.docx.html. 

This is to enable external users (who may not have an agent installed) to open the file directly in their browsers. When they double click on the file, the following page will be displayed in the browser. 


After clicking Open in browser, users will be prompted to log in. Users can enter their email ID on this page and click Proceed. A security code will be sent to their email ID for verification. 


After they enter the security code and verify their email ID, the file will open directly in their browser. See Accessing Files Online for more details. 

For users with a Seclore agent installed (generally the case with internal users), there is no change in user experience. As soon as the HTML attachment is downloaded to the computer, it will behave like a normal file of the original extension.
Users who have a Seclore agent installed can also double click on the attachment directly from Outlook to open it in the native application. 

Opening smail attachments

If you select the Protect Body check-box in the Outlook ribbon, the content of the email body will be transferred to a secure email file (with extension smail) that can only be opened by Seclore's Secure Email Viewer. This smail file is also "wrapped" in HTML format as explained above for ease of use. 

The recipients can simply double click on the smail attachment in Outlook, enter their credentials in the browser page that will open (unregistered users would need to verify their email address), and view the email body in Seclore Secure Email Viewer. 

Recipients not using Outlook can download the smail file and then double click on it. 

See Accessing Protected Emails - Outlook  for more details. 

Tracking emails

To track your protected emails and attachments, go to the email in your Sent Items folder and click Track

A list of all activities performed on your email body and attachment will be displayed.


Click View more in browser to go to the Seclore portal and view more details. 

Revoking email access

To revoke access to a protected email and its attachments, go to the email in your Sent Items folder and click Revoke. 

A list of people with access to the email will be displayed. This list will also contain users who have been given access to the email content outside the email chain e.g. by downloading an attachment and sharing it externally.

Select the desired user(s) and click Revoke. They will no longer have access to the email or its attachments. 

Forwarding emails and 'Smart' sharing

Smart Sharing  is a feature that allows recipients with Share permission to 'share' protected email content (body or attachments) with other users by simply forwarding or replying to the protected emails. If Smart Sharing is ON, then recipients can perform this action without clicking Seclore It while forwarding/replying. 

For example, if John sends a protected email to Mark granting him Share permission, then Mark can grant access to Linda by simply forwarding the email to her or replying to the email and adding Linda as a recipient. Linda will receive all permissions that Mark had on the protected email content, except Share

This makes it easy to share protected content and introduce other users in an email chain - while still maintaining security. 

If Smart Sharing is OFF, then Linda will not receive any access to the forwarded email and attachments.